| 1. | Application of kansched irrigation management system for field crop 大田作物灌溉管理系统的应用 |
| 2. | Rainfall characteristics and irrigation management in winter wheat season 冬小麦降水年型与补水灌溉动态管理 |
| 3. | Probing into irrigation management mode by the association of household needed water 用水户协会管理灌溉模式探索 |
| 4. | Research on farmland irrigation management and auto - control system based on gsm 的农田水分灌溉管理与自动控制系统的研究 |
| 5. | Practical information system for irrigation management in groundwater irrigation districts 实用的井灌区灌溉管理信息系统 |
| 6. | Effect of irrigation management during rice filling stage on rice yield and grain quality 灌浆结实期水浆管理对水稻产量及稻米品质的影响 |
| 7. | The content of the thesis is a part of " china postdoctoral science fund " na coi na pos on irrigation management dss of saving water & increasing temperature for well irrigation rice on sanjiang plain . 本研究是中国博士后科学基金《三江平原井灌水稻节水增温灌溉管理决策支持系统》的一个子专题。 |
| 8. | This system generally comprises water - source tapping and optimal utilization technology , water - saving irrigation engineering technology , water - saving and efficient agronomic techniques , and water - saving irrigation management techniques 技术体系一般包括由水源开发与优化利用技术、节水灌溉工程技术、节水高效农艺技术和节水管理技术几大部分。 |
| 9. | The water management status in china shows that real - time forecast model of irrigation schedule is one of the critical and key to irrigation management system of dynamic planning water use and optimization water distribution 国内灌区水资源管理现状表明,灌区实时灌溉预报模型的研究已成为灌区动态计划用水及水资源优化配置系统急需解决的关键问题之一。 |
| 10. | During 1970s - 1980s , irrigation management department launched canal lining for main canal . irrigation management department initiated large scale canal lining project because of great government finacial investment on water saving project resconstruction since 1995 自七十至八十年代,开始对干渠进行防渗衬砌,进入九十年代特别是1995年以后,国家加大了节水改造的投入,灌区开始了较大规模的渠道衬砌工程。 |